Dangers Of Leaving Standing Water In Your Home

Whether you suffered a flood, made it through a hurricane, or a pipe burst in your kitchen, there are several ways you can have standing water inside your home. A few inches of standing water might not seem like a big deal, especially if the water is in a room or area you do not frequent, including the basement. However, leaving a few inches of standing water for even a few hours can be detrimental to your family's health and safety.

Here are a few of the many dangers of leaving standing water in your home.

Standing Water and Electrocution Risks

Even if you have lost power to your home after a flood or severe storm, you should never enter a home with standing water or allow the standing water to remain. Electrical appliances, televisions, and almost everything in your home powered by electricity is not designed to work while submerged. Because of this, leaving standing water places you in danger of being electrocuted.

Instead, if there is standing water anywhere in your home, including the basement, leave your home immediately and contact your local utility company. Your utility company will remove the electrical meter, which will ensure there is no electricity running into your home. Once you are given the okay by the utility company, contact a professional to have the standing water eliminated.

Standing Water and Your Health

In addition to damaging your flooring, walls, and furniture, standing water inside your home can place you and your family at risk. When standing water occurs because of a sewer backup, which is common after a heavy rainstorm or flood, there are several types of bacteria that can thrive inside the water. For instance, the standing water can harbor E. coli, which can cause diarrhea, urinary tract infections, and pneumonia. Norovirus is another common germ found in standing water that can lead to severe stomach pains, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Never attempt to wade through standing water inside your home and instead, contact a professional who has the skills and knowledge to safely eliminate the standing water.

Standing Water and Mold Damage

Finally, one of the biggest threats of leaving standing water inside your home is mold. Under the right conditions, mold can begin to grow and spread within hours or days of establishing itself in your home. Eliminating the standing water as quickly as possible and allowing your home time to dry out is the best way to combat mold from spreading.

From mold growth and the dangers of waterborne pathogens, there are several reasons why you should never leave standing water from water damage inside your home and why you should always hire a professional to eliminate the stagnant water as quickly as possible.
